Public backs hotel response

The hotel sector was seen as having responded well to the current crisis, according to the latest BVA BDRC survey.

The study found that while people were planning to book holidays, there was little clarity on when.

The study found that 46% of respondents thought that hotels had responded well to the crisis, up from 37% in the previous week. The company said: “Flexibility over refunds and cancellations satisfy respondents’ immediate perceptions, while this weekly change perhaps - and hopefully - reflects greater awareness of some of the genuinely brilliant things hotels are doing.”

In contrast, 28% of respondents thought that other paid for accommodation, such as Airbnb, was responding well, with the company commenting: “The fact that the largest player in the homestay market is in damage control mood, rather than being on the front foot perhaps explains why there is a bit of a difference from hotels at the moment”.

Looking at booking trends, the group reported “some fairly dramatic shifts, with the proportion of respondents not expecting to book hotels until six to 12 months from now halving and being redistributed between the one to three month and three to six month categories”.